

How to grow and care for the Red Campion

One of those low-maintenance plants that you can easily grow in your garden is the Red Campion, a semi-evergreen perennial of pink ...

Flore Pleno; how can you grow them properly in your garden

Want to boost your backyard with yellow blossoms? Try growing some double-meadow buttercups like the Flore Pleno. Also called ‘King's ...

Growing and caring for the Red Nancy deadnettles

Spotted Dead Nettles are fine-looking plants and its cultivar Red Nancy is a must-grow one. They are semi-evergreen, mat-forming perennials ...

Can you really use leather as a compost material?

If you're trying to explore some methods in composting, then the use of leather scraps is one. There are advantages and disadvantages ...

Planting the Glory of the Snow in your floral backyard

Springtime can be a great time for bulbs to show some blooms and one of those bulbs that can really give a sparkling visual is the ...

Ringing some elegance on the gardens are the Evening Bells

The Evening Bells (Bergenia) are clump-forming perennials which is mainly grown for for its outstanding large-leaved foliage which ...

Essential growing guide on Abbotsbury Gold plants

Kohuhu is known for their attractive foliage, and its cultivar Abbotsbury Gold is simply one of their best. A bushy, evergreen shrub ...

Flashes of pinkish red blossoms with the Polka-dot Red primrose

One of the most popular and favorite houseplant by many is the Cape Primrose and its cultivar, the Polka-dot Red. They are compact, ...

An easy-to-grow flower for a shady backyard; the Great Solomon’s Seal

The shade garden isn't that gorgeous without the Great Solomon's Seal. A shade-loving, rhizomatous perennial, the Great Solomon's ...